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Showing posts from December, 2013

DIY Glitter Shoes!!!

 This was a quick DIY!!! I wanted gold shoes to go with my new year outfit.. I didn't had any, so I made one from a old pair of white sandals...    After!!!! Look what a lil glue and gold glitter can do :P

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough!

Today I was reading a blog, n came to know that one of the fellow blogger lost her battle to Cancer. Her name was Abigail Smith, better known in blogging world as "Abby" or "Amazing Abby". She was just 24 when she left this world. A small life, but she lived it well. I had been following her work for her while, then I lost her An amazing photographer, n even more amazing human being. She inspired many throughout her battle with cancer. Words fail to describe her, her struggle, her faith, and the love she shared with the people around her. Her brothers made several videos of her which told her fight with Cancer. Here is the last Video they made with her. Here's the link to her Facebook page and her Blog . Her death made me think of two more lovely people who lost their lives suddenly.... Margo Mallory Amber was all of 24, in Dec 2011 when she discovered that she had Cervical Cancer only a few days after her engagement. In September 2012, she l...