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You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough!

Today I was reading a blog, n came to know that one of the fellow blogger lost her battle to Cancer.
Her name was Abigail Smith, better known in blogging world as "Abby" or "Amazing Abby".
She was just 24 when she left this world. A small life, but she lived it well.
I had been following her work for her while, then I lost her
An amazing photographer, n even more amazing human being. She inspired many throughout her battle with cancer.
Words fail to describe her, her struggle, her faith, and the love she shared with the people around her.
Her brothers made several videos of her which told her fight with Cancer.
Here is the last Video they made with her.

Here's the link to her Facebook page and her Blog.

Her death made me think of two more lovely people who lost their lives suddenly....

Margo Mallory Amber was all of 24, in Dec 2011 when she discovered that she had Cervical Cancer only a few days after her engagement. In September 2012, she lost her battle to Cancer, a month after her marriage.
I came across her blog just randomly and her day to day posting kept me hopeful. I was hopeful that she would come thru...
But then I watched TLC's "Say Yes to Dress" ~ a reality show show where a would be bride choose her wedding dress. It was the episode about Margo choosing her gown. I was happy seeing her , living her life, getting married on beach. At the end of episode they wote "In memory of Margo Mallory Amber". I immediately Google her to check if it was true n was really at lost of words on seeing she really did lost her fight.
Here's the link for her Blog. and her sister's blog, where she wrote about Margo.

For past two years I have been following "Embrace the Camera" challenge. The challenge inspires women especially moms to face the camera instead of just being behind the camera. It challenges them to take a snap of themselves during the challenge week ~ every day following a particular theme. The Challenge was started in memory of Aleida Frankin. In August 2008 she posted her pictures along with her daughter. Along with it she posted.

"There is a reason why I’m posting these pictures.  Pictures that I’m actually in.  Not because I think I’m all that and a trip to Hollywood.  No.  It’s because I’m actually tired of being worried about how I look and not taking or having very many photos of me with my children.  I have very few pictures of me and my babies when they were babies, and I have myself to blame.  Precious opportunities to capture on paper, lost because of my silliness.  Well no more I say!  One day I won’t be here and there will be hardly any pictures of them and their mama.  So ladies, hand over the camera and get in those photos!  Please.You’ll be happier you did."

A month later her life was cut short by a driver who ran a red light.
Here's the link to her blog.

Three beautiful, inspiring women ~ their lives cut short by fate.
I didn't wanted to write about how great these women were, how inspiring their lives were, what a rich life they lead. Its for you to decide and read. All I can say is "Life is so unpredictable. It's up to us to make more of it each passing moment.".

There's so much I want to say and so many random thoughts are coming to my mind....all muddled up...
So I am borrowing few lines from Margo Sister's blog. Coouldn't have summed it better ~

"We wait to do things because we think we have time. We fight with people we love because we think we can apologize tomorrow. We think about what we don’t have instead of appreciating what we do have. What if there is no tomorrow? What if today is your last day?
We all think it won’t happen to me, but the reality is that it can!
Would you be happy with the life you have lived if it ended today? Have you gone after your dreams?
Have you said I love you as often as you should? Have you apologized for the mistakes you’ve made?
Have you lived the life YOU want to live?"

These girls although lived a short life but touched millions...Do go and visit their respective blogs....


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