So today I would like to share a little project I did a couple of days back... I am in love with love...:)..n I love taking photographs..So this project is the combination of two.. So for starters here's one more strip from love is .. series... We have a very narrow gallery wall in front our coat closet. Earlier I wanted to put some frames of our favorite photographs. But with only the frames, the wall looked a little empty. so I came up with the idea of adding something extra. I saw something similar on a blog n wanted to make one for our home..Here's what I did.. 1. So I started with old newspaper,tissue papers, old printouts, catalogues, magazines, coupon booklet..anything that u fancy works...lotsa them...n a pair of scissors, some glue , threads..cut lotsa hearts the little ones, big ones, skinny ones, fat ones.. 2. Cut them free hand..drawing them takes more time and also its more fun cutting them free hand.. 3. I like...
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